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About me

Hi I'm Sarah! San Diego native and mommy to Chihiro, the world's most spoiled calico cat. As much as I love living a fit and healthy lifestyle there is nothing in the world that could prevent me from indulging in some of San Diego's amazing food (and beer). Which is why I am all about living a balanced lifestyle. I may spend almost 10 hours a week working out and attempting to meet my 10,000 steps a day (Fitbit anyone?), but I know I have to eat well and think well too. The balance isn't always easy. I have struggled with it my whole life. But join me as I try to find my balance and I will help you find yours as well.




  1. I am 28 years old and have never lived more than 200 miles from my birthplace.

  2. I have two occupations: one in the telecom real estate industry and the other as a Team BeachBody Coach.

  3. While only Chihiro lives with me, I have two dogs (Roscoe - a golden lab - and Cricket - a Pembroke Welsh Corgi) and two poisonous dart frogs (Death and Taxes) at my parents' house.

  4. I have not eaten at McDonalds in over 10 years, but I still crave those salty fries.

  5. Food I could most easily toss out of my life: chicken wings.

  6. Food I could never do without: tacos.

  7. Starbucks Order:

    1. Good Day - Grande Iced Cold Brew, black, unsweetened

    2. Naughty Day - Venti Iced Caramel Macchiato, upside-down, extra shot

  8. I can't complete even one pull-up. I would die if my life depended on it.

  9. Favorite Workouts:

    1. Xtend Barre

    2. 21 Day Fix Total Body Cardio

    3. Yoga

  10. I am the oldest of 11 grandchildren on my Dad's side alone



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