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The Infamous Awkward First Blog Post

Even if you think your first post is full of clever writing and is so uniquely you, a year later you will definitely be thinking, "oh god, I wish I could do it over." Which is why I am going to embrace this first awkward post. Who knows, maybe this will be the start of being able to make fun of myself.

My goal with this whole adventure is to show that even though it looks like I have everything balanced, everything figured out, a balanced life is more than that. You will always have your ups and downs (literally) and some days you will just eat that whole entire pizza in your yoga pants even though you never made it to yoga and maybe you drank that entire bottle of wine....(not from personal experience mind you...) But then there are days where your run is #onpoint and you can go for mile after mile. And there are the days where life is hard, your emotions are in control and you just pray you make it to your car before everything falls apart. But that is what a balanced life is. Is it finding the middle ground of all these things: food, activity and your emotions. All three are always in flux, always moving, but then again hey, it always keeps you on your toes.

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