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Meal Planning & Grocery Shopping: Part 2

Let's be real. Grocery shopping is not always easy. There are a lot of factors that you have to account for: kids, spouses, hungry vs. not hungry, having enough time or even having enough money. In many ways, I have felt all of these. I used to be a nanny and would occasionally take the kids with me to the store. I used to shop with my sisters and parents in mind and we didn't always have the same food needs in line. Trust me, I can probably relate with you on some level.

Which is why I have a few simple rules for myself when I go grocery shopping (which 90% of the time happens to be on Sunday afternoons - aka the busiest time ever to go shopping):

  1. Never Go Hungry. I cannot stress this enough. Eat before hand or bring something to snack on. But no matter what, do not go hungry. If you have the kids with you, bring them a snack too. This will significantly reduce the threat of impulse shopping because you are hungry and want to get out of the store as soon as possible. My favorite snacks to bring to the store are apple slices with cinnamon, almonds or sectioned oranges or cuties. You want it to be small, something you can easily grab.

  2. Bring Your List. Think back to Part 1 of this series. You already made your list of what is on sale, figured out what you want to make for that week. So before you go to the store, see if there is anything else you need to stock up your pantry or fridge. Be reasonable. Don't put too much on your list, you don't want to buy something that you won't end up eating. Be on the lookout in the next week or so for what I always keep stocked in my pantry for a foundation for your own.

  3. Shop Smart. Most major supermarkets are built the same way. Fresh produce, dairy and fresh meats are along the outside walls of the store. Just imagine your average Vons, Ralphs, Haggen or Publix. This is even true for most Trader Joe's. 90% of the fresh items for sale are not in the middle rows. Now I am not saying that you can't shop in the middle rows for your Oreos or a bag of chips, I intention is to make you aware of how you are shopping. I will make sure that I get all my fresh items first. Because some of those items are cold, I don't have as much time to continue shopping. this means I am less likely to stop and look at something I don't need, which will probably end up in my cart and therefore end up in my house.

  4. Find the Time. Set the time aside to go shopping. Think of it this way, when you are at the store, you are buying food to feed yourself, feed your family. You want to give them the best and the best takes time. So whenever you can, give yourself enough time to go to the store without having to rush. If anything, think of it as a time to reflect and focus on yourself. You deserve it.

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